Avery dear friend once advised me: ‘if it scares you, it means you have to do it.’ Since putting that mantra into practice, I have enjoyed some of the most rewarding experiences of my life. My time spent as an undergraduate in Argentina, and since then researching in Cuba, Spain and the USA, can most certainly be included among them. Studying abroad: a scary prospect, perhaps, but there are ways of preparing yourself so that your nerves will be outweighed by exhilaration and resolve.
Begin by thinking shrewdly about how both your interests and academic ambitions can be best fulfilled by your location. What do you want to study at university? What are your hobbies? Think laterally, and outside of the lecture theatre: do you love Caribbean history, and play cricket, and could you see yourself studying and enjoying both in Bridgetown? If you adore Russian literature and practice ballet, could Moscow be the place for you to indulge each pursuit?
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